May 12, 2023

Scum Lyrics by Lovejoy is latest English song voiced by him, its music is given by Lovejoy. Brand new lyrics of Scum song is written by Wilbur Soot, Joe Goldsmith, Ash Kabosu, Mark Boardman. This is a popular song and people of USA love this track. If you find any mistake in it please don’t hesitate to send us correct lyrics using contact us section. It will help us to improve quality of our content.

Scum Song Detail

Song Title Scum
Singer(s) Lovejoy
Musician(s) Lovejoy
Lyricist(s) Wilbur Soot, Joe Goldsmith, Ash Kabosu, Mark Boardman

[Lyrics of Scum by Lovejoy]

I feel I’ve reached the end
Before I’ve reached death
Pick up the pieces of me
You can have what’s left
No matter how much you think you love him
You’ll still flinch
When his blood pool touches you

‘Cause I’m scum I’m waste I’m what you want
I’m scum I’m waste I’m what you want
I’m scum I’m waste I’m what you want
I’m scum I’m waste I’m what you want

He draws the samples so fast
It feels medical
Chest compressions in the incident
Support vehicle
And I know it’s Stockholm
That you’re stuck on
How high’s your pedestal?
But maybe he’ll be jesus
Maybe he’ll be jesus this time

Oh I’m scum I’m waste I’m what you want
I’m scum I’m waste I’m what you want
I’m scum I’m waste I’m what you want
I’m scum I’m waste I’m what you want

I recall staring at the sea
For the first time
I recall staring at the sea

For the first time
My eyes wandered took the sights
From the both sides
They longed to be free
But all I could see was horizon
That claustrophobic horizon

This is the end of Scum song lyrics by Lovejoy. Please share it with your friends and family in United States and all over the world.